AES filing made easy.
Three new license types came into effect in the Automated Export System on January 3rd.

VDC: Commerce Department Voluntary Self-Disclosure
VDS: State Department Voluntary Disclosure
VDO: Other Partner Government Agency Voluntary Disclosure

These codes are only to be used in the event that you are going through a “voluntary self-disclosure,” which is a formal reconciliation of AES filing mistakes with the U.S. Census Bureau.

License types VDC, VDS, and VDO codes should only be used when:

  1. a controlled good is exported without obtaining the required license, permit, or authorization prior to export
  2. a party believes they have violated the export regulations of a federal government agency
  3. a disclosure of the suspected violation has been submitted to the U.S. Census Bureau and the other agency involved, if applicable
  4. AES does not allow the filer to enter or correct Electronic Export Information (EEI) with the original license type

Note that VDO may not be used for shipments involving violations of the International Traffic in Arms Regulations or Export Administration Regulations.

The three new license types are currently available in AESDirect.