I certify that all statements made and all information provided herein are true and correct. I understand that civil and criminal penalties, including forfeiture and sale, may be imposed for making false or fraudulent statements herein, failing to provide the requested information or for violation of U.S. laws on exportation (13 U.S.C. Sec. 305; 22 U.S.C. Sec. 401; 18 U.S.C. Sec. 1001; 50 U.S.C. App. 2410).
The information collected here pursuant to Title 15, CFR 30 is confidential, to be used by Simplified Trade Partners LLC solely to provide you with services and by the federal government for the purposes stated in Section 30.60(a) – (c). The purpose of collecting the Electronic Export Information (EEI) is to compile the U.S. Merchandise trade statistics and to provide information needed for related statistical programs of other agencies. The EEI is also used by other Federal agencies to enforce U.S. export laws and regulations, to evaluate the impact of trade agreements and to monitor compliance with such agreements.
Written authorization
I, the
U.S. Principal Party in Interest (USPPI), or representative of the USPPI by power of attorney, hereby authorize Simplified Trade Partners LLC to act as authorized agent for export control, U.S. Customs, and Census Bureau purposes to transmit such export information electronically that may be required by law or regulation in connection with the exportation or transportation of any goods on behalf of said U.S. Principal Party in Interest. I certify that necessary and proper documentation to accurately transmit the information electronically is and will be provided to the said Authorized Agent. I further understand that civil and criminal penalties may be imposed for making false or fraudulent statements or for the violation of any U.S. laws or regulations on exportation including failure to communicate any amendments or cancellations of the export, and agree to be bound by all statements of said authorized agent based upon information or documentation provided to said authorized agent.